Honor Long Man (Ganvhidv Asgaya) River Cleanup

Aug 22, 2024

Honor Long Man River Cleanup will be on: September 6, 2024
Location: Peaches Squirrel Recreation Complex (formerly Birdtown Gym), 1139 US-19, Cherokee, NC 28719

We begin in water and we return to water.  The Cherokees have always viewed the river as “Long Man” whose head lay in the mountains and the feet in the sea. Long Man (or Long Person), was a revered figure among the Cherokee as one who provided water to drink, cleanliness, food, and numerous cultural rituals tied to medicine and washing away bad thoughts and sadness.

On this day, we will live our connection with Long Man by cleaning trash out of waterways. However, this is much more than a one-time ‘river cleanup,’ it is a cultural awakening and/or re-awakening.

Honoring Long Man Event from Chris Cassels on Vimeo.

8:00 am: Opening Prayer & Breakfast
8:30 am: Welcome
8:40 am: Purpose for the day
8:50 am: Puppet Show
9:00 am: Call to Action

We encourage EVERYONE to take some time on this day to clean up a waterway accessible to you. Post a picture of your trash on social media and tag your cleanup with #honoringlongman !