EBCI GenWell Program

Information on the EBCI GenWell Program

EBCI GenWell Program

Open enrollment period is on March 1st. Participants do not need to reapply if you are currently in the program.

  • Enrolled members can sign up for the GenWell program.
  • Frequencies of payment (monthly or semi-annually).
  • If you want to come out of the GenWell platform program (receiving distribution on the debit card).
  • Enrolled members can choose how payments can be received by check or direct deposit.
  • The deadline to start receiving monthly checks is March 15, 2024.
  • The application is open until March 31, 2024, but only to receive semi-annually payments. You cannot sign up for monthly payments after the 15th.

Questions? Email us at GenWell@ebci-nsn.gov

GenWell Videos

GenWell Summary

How to Apply for GenWell

United States Treasury Tribal Advisory Committee

Pursuant to Section 3 of the Tribal General Welfare Exclusion Act of 2014, Pub. L. 113-168, and in accordance with the provisions of the FACA, the TTAC was established on February 10, 2015. This seven-member Tribal advisory committee advises the Secretary on significant matters related to the taxation of Indians, the training of Internal Revenue Service field agents, and the provisions of training and technical assistance to Native American financial officers. The membership has three appointees nominated by the Secretary, two appointed by the House Committee on Ways and Means and two nominated by the Senate Committee on Finance.

For more information and reports from the TTAC visit: